We have had a flurry of visitors the last two weeks: friends from DC, Tampa, and Charlotte, my sister and her boyfriend came up for a wedding, my cousin that I haven't seen in 3 years came to the farm, a friend of my husband's from his childhood visited with her family, and my in laws came to spend a week at their cabin. It was lots of fun, and also very exhausting.
I guess just about everything becomes a bit exhausting when you are still doing middle of the night nursing sessions with an almost (!) four month old baby. Arabel is sleeping very well though, and she is a total joy. In the last two days she learned to squeal a high pitched, delighted sort of squeal, and she has been practicing her technique every chance she gets. She is getting bigger, and though still a pipsqueak at around 11 lbs, she has nearly grown out of her smallest clothing, so my husband and I were going through the hand-me-downs and gifts in larger sizes that we had stored away. We found that Arabel has a wardrobe that will keep her stylishly dressed for the next 2 1/2 years, easily. We and our daughter have been treated so generously by family and friends, that when I saw the Little Dresses for Africa link on the Sew, Mama, Sew! blog, I knew I had found the perfect project for my mother in law and I to work on during her visit. Check out the link! 

We have made seven dresses so far using upcycled fabric from sheets, pillowcases, and curtains that we found thrifting. My MIL is a very experienced seamstress, so with her tutelage I intend to continue making scores of these little beauties! It is a great opportunity to do something productive, use my serger, practice my basic sewing skills, and express myself creatively all at once.
Oh, and on the topic of sewing, I have two favorite fabulous blogs I am now following obsessively- Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing and The Sew Weekly. These ladies are inspiring in so many ways!
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