
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tip for Assembling a PDF Sewing Pattern

I used this quick method for assembling my Mabel PDF the other day, and I thought it might be of use to someone else, too. 

First, staple together, preferably in order, as many sheets as you think you'll be able to cut through with a rotary cutter. Take care to straighten the edges, and run staples up the left side without bending the stack. 
 Next, hold a ruler on the border/cutting position and cut along it with your rotary cutter. I always cut the right side and the bottom extensions/overlap off. Repeat the stapling and cutting process until all of your sheets are cut.
 Now you are ready to assemble! Position your pages in order, and tape all of the pieces in each row together. I use Scotch Magic Tape for my PDF patterns, as it can be removed and reapplied if something is off.

 Once you have your rows taped, join them together. Fix any places where the paper doesn't meet correctly by pulling the tape up gently and repositioning. Simple and fast!


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